Limited Production Permits – Annual Meter Readings Due 9/5/17

On July 16, 2015, The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (District) adopted amendments and revisions to the Rules and Bylaws that relaxed conditions and requirements for Limited Production Permits as listed below:
- Equip the well with a meter and submit annual meter readings by September 5th of each year;
- Produce no more than 500,000 gal/yr;
- Adopt and implement a User Conservation Plan (completed during application or during change of ownership).
Well owners with a Limited Production Permit (LPP) are required to submit an annual meter reading to the District office on or before September 1st but no later than September 5th of each year. Failure to timely submit an annual meter reading can result in a late meter reading fee of $50. Meter readings can be submitted by any of the following methods:
Online: | Click here: Online Form for Annual Meter Reading |
Email: | Email a meter reading or photo to |
Mail or In Person: | Complete a paper Annual Meter Reading form and return to the following address:
BSEACD, 1124 Regal Row, Austin TX 78748 |
Permittees are required to give written notice prior to any sale or lease of the well covered by the Limited Production Permit. Therefore, please be sure to indicate on the form if you are a new owner of the well/property and provide current contact information. Reporting annual groundwater pumpage is essential in our mission to manage and preserve all aquifers in the District. It is important that we maintain accurate permittee information in order for us the serve our groundwater community and to allow us to continue to provide notification of potential groundwater contamination and District news updates.
For further information related to this or any of the other rule revisions, please feel free to contact our Regulatory Program Staff by phone or email at 512/282-8441 or