Drought Status
Barton Springs Discharge (cubic feet per second) Previous: 70 cfs on 2/6/24 |
Drought Status |
Lovelady Monitor Well Water Elevation (msl) Previous: 462 msl on 2/6/24 |
Water Conservation Period
(In May-Sept it’s Stage I
if in No Drought)
Alarm Drought
Critical Drought
Exceptional Drought
Lovelady Monitor Well Water Elevation | |
Drought Status | (msl) |
Water Conservation Period
(In May-Sept it’s Stage I
if in No Drought)
Alarm Drought
Critical Drought
Exceptional Drought
While severe drought conditions persist, BSEACD staff will conduct frequent manual measurements to verify Barton Springs flow values reported by the USGS gage.
This chart displays the current drought stage based on values from Barton Springs and Lovelady monitor well, the District’s two drought determinants. You can also find this information on the Current Drought Chart along with rainfall, discharge, and water level information. The two graphs below show the last 60 days of record at Barton Springs and Lovelady monitor well in real-time. If you’re interested in receiving District monthly drought updates, you can sign up for the email list here.