RFQ (Request for Statement of Interest and Qualifications) for Managed IT Services
Request for Statement of Interest and Qualifications
Managed IT Services
Submit no later than 5:00 p.m. CDT, August 5, 2022
The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (District) is soliciting statements of interest and qualifications for managed IT services. Such services are to include support for ten staff using MS-365 Business. The District has a network and staff need to have VPN access from remote locations. The District has five Board members who only require email access via MS-Outlook. Consequently, Board members are each provided with MS-365 Basic license.
Other applications that the District’s IT environment supports include ESRI’s ArcGIS, QuickBooks, Journyx, WeVideo for video production, GoPro Software, and Adobe Suite, which includes Illustrator and Photoshop.
The intent of this solicitation is to enter into an ongoing, renewable contract.
Interested parties are asked to submit a brief statement of interest, qualifications, and experience (SOQs), not to exceed ten pages, to the District by 5:00 p.m. CDT, August 5, 2022. The SOQs should include a description of relevant project-based experience conducted by the offeror; specification of the individual(s) who will most likely be performing the work and a paragraph summary for each that summarizes individual qualifications and experience; and any other information that the offeror deems relevant to coordinating this review.
Generally, the District intends to follow the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and District Purchasing Policy in soliciting, evaluating, and negotiating the services, without regard to whether these particular services are subject to that Act and Policy. On the basis of the information provided by the offerors under this solicitation, the District will evaluate and develop a short list of candidates; conduct interviews as necessary; determine the order of the best qualified offerors for the District for this particular work; and then will negotiate mutually acceptable terms for the proposed contract with the best qualified offer, or if necessary, the next best qualified offeror. The District will contract with the successful offering individual, group, or company for work to be completed no later than August 31, 2023 on either a fixed-price basis, a time and materials basis, or an on-demand hourly rate whichever is more favorable to the District.
The District intends to complete negotiations, if possible, with its selected contractor in time for the monthly Board of Directors meeting on August 11, 2022 where approval of the new contract will be requested. Transition to the new managed IT services company will get underway shortly thereafter.
The SOQs can be sent to:
Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Attn: SOQ Solicitation
1124 Regal Row
Austin, TX 78748
Or digitally to: bseacd@bseacd.org (Subject: Managed IT Services SOQ)
Any questions about this solicitation should be submitted in writing and digitally to bseacd@bseacd.org. The District in its sole discretion may choose to respond only to the questioning entity or to post such questions and response to be available to all potential offerors via the District website.